Yin Yoga: Principles and Practice by Paul Grilley
Theories of the Chakras by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama
Awakening the Chakras and Emancipation by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama
Karma and Reincarnation by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama
Science and the Evolution of Consciousness by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama
The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness by Erich Schiffmann
Yoga for Wellness by Gary Kraftsow
The Shambhala Guide to Yoga by Georg Feuerstein
The Path of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein
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Ayurvedic Healing by David Frawley
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The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark
The Mirror of Yoga by Richard Freeman
The Thread of Breath by Tias and Surya Little
The Tibetan Yoga of Breath by Anyen Rinpoche and Allison Choying Zangmo
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Experiencing the Teaching by Ramesh Balsekar
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Inner Revolution by Robert Thurman
Essential Tibetan Buddhism by Robert Thurman
Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State by Namkhai Norbu
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Tricycle Magazines
Shambhala Sun (Lion’s Roar) Magazines
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The Most Important Thing: Discovering Truth at the Heart of Life by Adyashanti
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The Way of Liberation by Adyashanti
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The Primal Wound: A Transpersonal View of Trauma, Addiction, and Growth (S U N Y Series in the Philosophy of Psychology) by John Firman and Ann Gila
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